30 nov. 2012

La multi ani de Ziua Romaniei!

5 comentarii:

acuvio spunea...

La mulţi ani, România! La mulţi ani, români! La mulţi ani Lilick!

Matilda spunea...

La mulţi ani, într-o Românie aşa cum ne-o dorim noi toţi !

Ana Maria spunea...

La multi ani Romania! Tot inainte spre un destin implinit!

ADRIAN spunea...

Eu am fost apostrofat la mine pentru ca am scris in maniera "sever dar aspru" :) Am readus in atentia publicului o scriere din 1820 a unui fost consul britanic in principate care spunea printre altele:

“The natural richness, and the various resources of Wallachia and Moldavia, are such, that if those countries could enjoy the important advantages of a regular government and wise administration, under which industry and agriculture should receive their due encouragement, the trade of exports laid oped, the commercial intercourse with foreign nations set upon a proper fiiting, and finally, the mines explored, they would in a short time become the most populous and most flourishing provinces of Europe. The harbour of Galatz would soon stand in rivalship with all the ports of the Black Sea, not excepting Odessa.
The fertility of the soil is such as to procure nourishment for ten times the number of the present population, and leave wherewith to supply other countries besides; the comon return of cultivation being sicteen-fold, and in more favourable seasons, twenty five.
Nature has furnished them with every possible means of becoming prosperous; men have ever proved themselves the determined enemies of their prosperity.”

Deja am un record de doua caracterizari a articolului cu calificativul "aiurea" :)
La multi ani tuturor celor ce pot vedea Romania in mod patriotic, adica OBIECTIV!

Lilick Auftakt spunea...

La multi ani, tuturor!

Adrian, mi s-a parut foarte interesanta postarea. :)