
Am urmarit alegerile din Statele Unite. Nu insa si campania. Doar in ultimele zile. Pana la urma americanii au votat, previzibil, ceea ce ei numesc “schimbarea”. Cu sau fara ghilimelele de rigoare. Personal mi-ar fi placut sa castige McCain. Au existat insa argumente solide atat in favoarea castigatorului cat si a recent invinsului. Tousi acum, numele Obama, e pe buzele tuturor.
Vorbeam cu un amic din Statele Unite care incerca sa ma faca sa inteleg in ce consta schimbarea si cum a perceput-o el acum. Compara ziua de alegeri de acum 4 ani cu cea de ieri: “ Acum 4 ani am avut curs, ca si ieri. Atunci am avut 50 in clasa. Ieri am avut 49 de cereri de “motivare a absentei” pentru voluntariat la sectiile de votare”. Mi-a povestit despre politica de tip nou pe care a mizat Obama: perseveranta, planificare, munca in echipa, mobilizare, implicare. Imi spunea ca pentru americani a contat pozitia pe care a avut-o in legatura cu avortul, ca alegerea vicelui de catre McCain a fost una neinspirata, ca a contat si votul negativ anti-Bush si ca McCain nu a reusit sa se rupa de imaginea proasta a presedintelui in functie. Ca americanii au preferat imaginea tipului “smart”, absolvent de Harvard, in detrimentul “eroului”. Apoi a mai contat viteza cu care s-a ridicat Obama, fapt ce le-a adus speranta ca “se poate” multora. Apoi faptul ca e negru “si totusi nu atat de negru incat sa nu fie acceptat de albi”, dar destul incat americanii sa para toleranti. A contat bineinteles si caderea pietei de capital, perceputa eronat ca vina a lui Bush, si “oboseala” americanilor legata de senzatia unui razboi de care nu mai vor sa auda, si care in viziunea lor pare a nu se mai termina. Americanii vor liniste, calm, au demonstrat ca s-au obisnuit unii cu altii, albi, negri, galbeni, si ca sunt suprasaturati de conflicte. Nu e vorba de inteligenta civica, sau, asa cum se spune, de o intelegere matura, superioara, ci pur si simplu de obisnuinta de a trai laolalta, de nevoia de a te intelege cu vecinul, pe care daca tot nu poti sa ti-l alegi, mai bine sa ti-l faci prieten.
Schimbare? America prezentata de un american pro Obama, azi, pare intrata intr-o zodie a calmului, a linistii, a ratiunii, dar si a unei plictiseli legate de rolul ei de vedeta a intregii lumi. Nu-si mai doreste asta. Isi doreste sa traga storurile si sa-si spele rufele in familie. Sa se uite in propria curte si sa faca ordine. Si sa dea un semnal de pace, de toleranta.
Vazuta din afara America pare ca si-a pus “papusa neagra” in geam, semn de pace, s-a retras sa-si oblojeasca ranile, si sa-si repare scutul de “Mare Putere”. Pare a spune “Piua, am obosit”.
“Black Pope” al lui Nostradamus, pe care multi il identifica cu Obama, poate sa fie doar o jucarie strategica intr-un razboi pe termen lung in care “eroul”, McCain, nu putea impune pauza cu arma la piept.
Nu de aceeasi parere e TRU, cel care astazi, in editorialul semnat pentru Cotidianul, anunta schimbarea de la Casa Alba ca pe “un moment istoric periculos". Bineinteles ca el nu judeca din prisma americanului. Nici nu ar avea cum. Nu se bazeaza pe vreo cunoastere a psihologiei americanului de rand. Si nici nu identifica vreo strategie pe termen lung. Acuza insa mass-media de peste Ocean ca ar fi creat un nou mit, si, intr-un fel, desi abordeaza din nou tonul anuntator de Apocalipsa cu care ne plictiseste deja de cativa ani comentand politica damboviteana, nu pot sa zic ca nu are dreptate: mass-media, in America, a creat acum un nou mit, si a manipulat electoratul in sensul dorit.
Ramane de vazut insa daca a fost o mare greseala sau o strategie bine gandita.
12 comentarii:
Misto :))) Cred ca se vor face o groaza de glume acum.
Deja omul Obama a inceput discret si indirect sa se sustraga de la promisiunile facute.
De pe 20 ianuarie anul viitor America intra intr-o era noua.Traian Ungureanu are foarte mare dreptate .
Shit happens !
Bineinteles. TRU are dreptate. Dar, cum sa-ti spun, sa scrii ca mass-media din america a creat un nou mit in persoana lui Obama si ca defileaza cu non-rasismul, e ca si cand ai spune ca ciorile sunt negre si zboara.
Nu trebuie sa-mi spui sa scriu, am scris si o sa mai scriu.E deja stiut ca changeman e un produs Hollywoodian de butaforie.
si vorba cantecului:"you ain't see nothin' yet"
Nu-mi spunca ai luat de bune cifrele de aseara....
Sceanariul si regia: Sergiu Nicolaescu
Eu ma refeream la ceea ce a scris TRU. El s-a referit la non-rasism..etc
Bineineles ca nu am crezut cifrele. Nu le-am crezut niciodata.
Parerile unui "democrat-liberal" american despre O-Bama
Preparing for the Hard-Left State
Posted by Bill Anderson at November 4, 2008 06:27 AM
I believe that it is inevitable that the voters today will give the United States a hard-left government, and our lives will change for it. We libertarians have been very critical of the Bush administration -- and rightly so -- for its wars, its economic interventions, and its crushing of civil liberties.
Yet, I believe that what is to come will make the Bushies look like clones of Ron Paul. The Democratic Party of today is not the Democratic Party which gave us Jimmy Carter or even Bill Clinton. It is the party of people like George Soros and Billy Ayers and ACORN, and do not think for a second that these people do not realize that there will be no barriers at all to implementing the hard-left state. The political correctness that people think was only confined to the modern university campus will have no restraints at all, especially after Obama is able to fill numerous vacancies on the U.S. Supreme Court.
In the past, we have been able to write critical material of both Republican and Democratic politicians and policies and be able to do it without paying a real price. That day will be past. Not only will the airwaves be "re-regulated" to make sure that no critical word of the Regime will be uttered, but the Internet itself is going to fall under the kind of political control that we now see in communist countries. What has been the remnant of the rule of law will be officially dead, and legal outcomes now will be determined solely by the political "merits" of the case.
Don't forget that Obama already has called for bankrupting the coal industry, and I believe that the energy, transportation, and medical industries will decimated in the way that the government went after the tobacco companies. Wal-Mart will be smashed beyond recognition.
Furthermore, soon into his presidency, Obama will sign legislation that basically gives labor unions the power to organize any company or entity at will, and he also will sign legislation removing any "right-to-work" legislation from the states. We will be forced to join labor unions if we want to be able to work at all.
We can talk about gold as money all we like, but the Federal Reserve System will be empowered, not weakened, by this new government, and there will be no restraints at all on the Fed as it destroys the dollar. When prices go up, the government will blame businesses, levy price controls, and then put business owners in prison for "price gouging."
Our children will be conscripted into "national service" and anyone who resists will go to prison. There will be no exceptions, and that includes people from religious groups like the Amish. Our taxes will be raised to ruinous levels, and when businesses are bankrupted, the government will blame businesses and call for even more socialization.
Don't look for churches and non-profit groups to be exempted. This is a government that will not tolerate dissension and any church that does not toe the line on environmental and sexual dogma from the state will lose its tax exemption and ultimately be shut down.
On the environmental side, one of the first things Obama will do is to sign an executive order claiming carbon dioxide is a "dangerous pollutant," which will mean massive cost increases being dumped upon us. Furthermore, we will be forced to purchase "carbon credits" if we wish to travel anywhere, and look for the prisons to be filled with thousands of people who have traveled "without permission" from the state. The criminal penalties for violation will be severe, and I predict that many readers of these words will end up being incarcerated.
I do blame the "conservatives" and especially the "national greatness" conservatives" for leading us down this path, just as Herbert Hoover led the country to Roosevelt. Their wars and economic interventions not only weakened our economy and the very fiber of this country, but they also still claimed the mantle of "low taxers" and "small government."
Because this non-existent state of affairs failed -- as it always will -- the Left has been able to claim that free markets "don't work" and that their "vision" of economic planning must be implemented.
When I was in college, my professors held places like Cuba, North Vietnam (before the Vietnam War ended during my senior year), China, and North Korea to be the real "workers paradises." People even more radical than they now will be in power, and they will make sure that they never will lose power again.
My wife and I adopted three children from Third World countries, and all of them left behind lives of poverty and certain disease and early death. Yet, as I watch the United States implode forever into a virulent, hard-left state, I cannot help but wonder if we did the right thing. I don't know, but I do know that the freedom and liberty that I have cherished will be gone forever.
We are like the Cambodians who hopefully greeted the conquering Khmer Rouge with flowers and cheers. The same day those soldiers came into the capital city, they began their campaign or murder, terror, and forcing people into the countryside, where a quarter of the population died. We hope that the new people in power will be gentle, but I believe that the groups that now control the Democratic Party are so anti-liberty (except for promoting unlimited abortions) that they are just one step above the Khmer Rouge.
To re-phrase Sir Edward Grey, the lamps are going out all over the USA, and they will not be lit in my lifetime or the lifetime of anyone else.
lilick tu poate crezi ca nu esti rasista, dar alandra nu are nicio scuza, ce puii mei a zis nostradamus? da nitzsche ai auzit ce-a zis? dumnezeu a murit! hai pa.
Merita investigate motivele pentru care unii indivizi din presa romaneasca s-au azvarlit literalmente sa-l desfiinteze pe Obama, invocand tot felul de stupiditati pentru a explica alegerea, cica ilogica, a noului presedinte american. Eu ma gandesc ca au simtit acesti sacali (ITM, T. Ungureanu si restul gastii) ca schimbarea de regim din America implica cu siguranta schimbarea puterii din Romania: adica plecarea pedeleprelor si revenirea la putere a pesedistilor. Rezultat: sfarsitul carierei lor de pupini... si continuitatea in hotie si trai prost a romanilor. Ca oricum n-aveam de unde alege.
Presimt un viitor guvern cu Geoana prim-ministru... dar inca nu-mi imaginez pe cine va putea da pesedeul presedinte. Ar fi prea mult reactivarea lui Nastase.
Sumbru viitor ne asteapta... la fel de sumbru ca si prezentul, ca si trecutul.
marius mina,
sincer, tot ce vad la tine referitor la subiectul obama este o suma de cuvinte/pareri ale cuiva dezamagit ca "n-a iesit" cine a vrut el.
in rest, "politica" de tip romanesc facuta din america.
cind cineva vorbeste despre socialism, comunism etc, trebuie sa stie si ce inseamna; sau, cel putin, sa aduca termenii la un numitor comun, mai ales cind discuta cu cineva din romania, pentru ca perceptia e diferita
restul, cel putin pentru moment, e vinare de vint ...
Ascultand discursul lui McCain dupa aflarea rezultatelor ma gandeam cu regret cum ar fi fost oare daca in 2000 el ar fi castigat nominalizarea GOP.
Despre Obama, sigur, s'a creat un mit, insa poate ca americanii aveau nevoie de asa ceva dupa cele doua mandate Bush.
Eu cred ca e devreme sa spunem ce fel va fi in America lui Obama. Nici motive prea mari de entuziasm, nici motive de mare mahnire. Dealtfel prevad in imediata perioada de timp o domolire a promisiunilor din campanie. Schimbari vor fi, insa nu pariez ca vor fi majore.
Eu cred ca "Papusa" Obama aduce un bonus de imagine Americii. Sunt curios ce va aduce presedintele Obama.
Lilick, aici parerea mea este in total dezacord cu a ta sau a lui @marius mina. Eu chiar am incredere ca Obama va schimba un pic mentalitatile de prea multi ani de zile ale americanilor, ca ei ar fi "marea putere" a lumii. Sunt mari, ce-i drept, dar ar trebui un pic sa-si vada si lungul nasului. Cum mr. Tufis a facut tot posibilul sa lungeasca nsaul americanilor, sunt convins ca McCain ar fi continuat aceeasi politica de autosuficienta (ca sa nu-i spunem infatuare). Si este cazul sa mai vada si ei cum e sa nu mai fi "marele licurici".
Ok, Radu! Parerea mea e scrisa in ultima fraza. Adica..."ramane de vazut". :))
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